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Tag - photography

Interview with Mihaela Noroc, Beauty around the world

Remember the article I wrote in January about Mihaela Noroc? She went on a trip around the world to look for beauty. And she found it! A few days ago I got in touch with her on Facebook and asked her a few questions because I’m curious about what drives her forward on her journey. How did you come up with this idea? To leave home, find and photograph beauty around...

Mihaela Noroc, searching for beauty around the world

I’ve been watching Mihaela for a while. She left around the world for a year and she is taking pictures of local beauties. You can find her website here.  A few pictures made by her in BAW project (beauties around the world) – the ones I like best! Do you try to figure out from what country each woman is? If you wish to stay in touch with her story you...