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Christmas Fairs in Vienna

After I wandered the streets and found beautiful things I decided to head towards the Christmas Fair at Maria – Theresien Platz. Please prepare yourself for some food porn :).
Let’s start light with some coffee:



These decorations smelled great! I would have taken the whole stand with me… but it was just the first day and I didn’t have enough room in my backpack:).



I liked these notebooks sooo much … and I thought it would make much more sense to buy them before I leave, but sadly enough, I eventually forgot 🙁 .



And tree decorations, arranged so nice, I simply love them!DSC_9605Potatoes and roasted nuts if you want :).


And probably the longest queue for sausages. Yes, the queue goes further back behind the man with glasses. I came back the next day, when it was a little less crowded, to test them myself. It wasn’t the only stall selling sausages, but it was the most crowded, so I thought that many people can’t be wrong! Actually nothing special.


I wanted to visit the library but it was closed


And after I left the „little guy” (my backpack) at the hostel, I started again wandering the streets :). ‘Cause that’s what I do best. Walk aimlessly without a map, hang around in the crowd, roam, get lost and then find my way back :).


And finally I arrived at the Christmas Fair in front of the City Hall! 🙂 Phew … it was hard but I made it :).



These trees are my favorites every year … I couldn’t take any decent pictures of them… but I love them :). I like the little hearts hanging in the branches. Together but alone… I see many metaphors here…


And finally, let the Gourmet filth begin! 🙂

DSC_9696DSC_9676DSC_9677DSC_9679DSC_9681DSC_9683DSC_9685DSC_9686DSC_9688DSC_9689DSC_9690DSC_9694And not just gastronomic debauchery

primarie Viena 2primarie Vienainimioare in copaci Craciun viena 2013Hearts, hearts, hearts and gastronomic debauchery again!


And when I wasn’t paying attention, Ochiosu’ dived in the mug!DSC_9774DSC_9797DSC_9801DSC_9805DSC_9806DSC_9807

Soon … ‘cause it’s a sign, right? 🙂


And because it was getting rather late, I went for a beer, as it befits the traveler! :).

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Photo 23.12.2013, 20 42 18Photo 23.12.2013, 20 48 49

And at the end of the first day of walking #cutrenul, #incautareacraciunului and #orangeromania this was the end result :).

Photo 23.12.2013, 23 34 19

I’ll only show you a blurry picture of my right foot, which was a little less damaged than my left one. I survived the first day and I kept on walking the next day! If you think a little blister is going to stop me, think again! 🙂

Povestea continua iar acest articol este scris de pe un superb Samsung Notebook seria 9. Daca nu va e cu suparare puteti arunca si un ochi pe pagina de Facebook Samsung Romania.

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