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Author - Alex Vrinceanu

Reasons why you should visit Iran

I’ve been in Iran in 2014 and before I went there, many of my (ignorant) friends were like: „Why the hell would you want to visit Iran? It’s in the Middle East and you know how things are over there. It’s too dangerous, they’re extremists and they’ll make you cover yourself up from head to toes”. But  I can honestly say...

Povesti incalcite din Iran – by Alex

V-am spus ca Alex ne-a pregatit doua articole si este minunat ca a facut asta altfel nici ca mai apucati prea multe povesti din Iran. Cel putin eu am incercat sa scriu aceasta bucata de mai multe ori si era foarte greu de explicat si inteles. Putin despre un mini roadtrip in Iran, cine platite de necunoscuti (poate am avut onoarea sa dam nas in nas cu serviciile...